Monthly Archive for May, 2012

FatFonts on

FatFonts have been featured on

FatFonts on FastCompany

FatFonts are featured on FastCompany’s blog on business + innovation + design.

FatFonts featured on Calculated Images

FatFonts are featured on Calculated Images, a blog by Richard Wheeler, who helped us convert some of our FatFont types into regular font files. Thanks again, Richard!

FatFonts on

FatFonts are featured on, Andrew Vande Moere’s blog on information aesthetics.

FatFonts now available as .otf and .ttf files

WordWindowFatFontsWith the help of Richard Wheeler, we have created regular FatFont font files that you can install on your computer.

Please, check the new downloads page, and the instructions on how to use them.

NewScientist Article

FatFonts has been featured in the New Scientist (Issue 2863)!

FatFonts at AVI’12

Our detailed paper on FatFonts will be presented at AVI’12 (Advanced Visual Interfaces) in Capri, Italy


FatFonts is a graphical technique conceived and developed by Miguel NacentaUta Hinrichs, and Sheelagh Carpendale. For a more detailed description of the technique and how to use it, click here, in the image below, or go to FatFonts in the menu.


Below are news related to the FatFonts project.