
FatFonts is a graphical technique conceived and developed by Miguel NacentaUta Hinrichs, and Sheelagh Carpendale. For a more detailed description of the technique and how to use it, click here, in the image below, or go to FatFonts in the menu.


Below are news related to the FatFonts project.

FatFonts World Population Poster now on sale

All proceedings reinvested in research!!

A1 Poster of the World Population in Fatfonts

A1 Poster of the World Population in Fatfonts

Now on sale: FatFonts World Population Maps

Looking for a gift for a visualization aficionado? We are happy to announce that the first ever FatFonts World Population Map is now available in the Axis Maps store. All proceeds from the maps will be used to fund more FatFont-related research.

The map shows how the population of the world is distributed. It uses a typographic visualization technique – FatFonts –which allows you to read the exact number of people living in a particular area with a precision within 100,000 people. Each number in the world map corresponds to the population in an area of approx. 40,000 km².

Find more information:

A blog post by Miguel, with some personal comments.

A description of the map in the SACHI Blog.

The store page.

FatFonts Player

A cool experiment using FatFonts by Santiago Ortiz, the FatFonts Player:


FatFonts – one of 45 ways to communicate two quantities

Santiago Ortiz discusses FatFonts in his lovely article on “45 Ways to Communicate Two Quantities” on visual.ly

In his article, Ortiz sets out to “find all possible ways to visualize a small data set of two numbers”. He ends up exploring 45 visual representations – FatFonts is one of them (#45). The article stimulates an interesting discussion about scalability, context and possibilities to combine different visual representations.

FatFonts featured in the Calgary Herald

FatFonts have been featured in the Calgary Herald and, a bit earlier, on UofC today.

FatFonts on Wired.co.uk

FatFonts have been featured on Wired.co.uk.

FatFonts on FastCompany

FatFonts are featured on FastCompany’s blog on business + innovation + design.

FatFonts featured on Calculated Images

FatFonts are featured on Calculated Images, a blog by Richard Wheeler, who helped us convert some of our FatFont types into regular font files. Thanks again, Richard!

FatFonts on infosthetics.com

FatFonts are featured on infosthetics.com, Andrew Vande Moere’s blog on information aesthetics.

FatFonts now available as .otf and .ttf files

WordWindowFatFontsWith the help of Richard Wheeler, we have created regular FatFont font files that you can install on your computer.

Please, check the new downloads page, and the instructions on how to use them.

NewScientist Article

FatFonts has been featured in the New Scientist (Issue 2863)!